Directors - Igor Buharov, Ivan Buharov
Script - Igor Buharov, Ivan Buharov
Camera - Róbert Bordás, Igor Buharov, Ivan Buharov, Árpád Horváth, Zágon Nagy
Music - Ivan Buharov
Cast - Domokos Szabo, Orsolya Török-Illyés, Szabolcs Hajdu, Ibolya Péva, Mária Bagdiné Kovács, Illés Nyitrai, László Horváth, Hermina Fátyol, Iringó Réti, György Cserhalmi, Szabolcs Thuróczy, Karina Kecskés.
Producers - Hevesi Adrienn, Gergõ Angyal, Ilona Antal, Michel Balagué, Ivan Buharov, Häkon Gundersen, Mihály Gál, Dániel Herner, Zoltán Hidvégi, Barnabás Hutlassa, Tamás Hutlassa, Zora Jaurova, Ildiko Kemeny, Miklós Kázmér, Viktória Petrányi, Eleonóra Peták, Mátyás Prikler, Ferenc Pusztai, Gábor Rajna, Gyorgy Rajnai, Gábor Sipos, Judit Stalter, Kornél Szilágyi
Production - Álomvadász
Ayahuasca, radio waves, paranormal phenomena…Here are some of the ingredients of this new work filmed in 8mm by the Buharov brothers – an unfettered fantasy. In addition, there is a cactus and other plants, unexplained skin breakouts, a handful of magi and a mysterious mayor who completes the cast of this film about a modicum of science and, above all, fiction. In this wacky world there is a vast array of whimsical characters, each one undertaking their own personal metaphysical and futuristic quest. The film is an ode to a kind of anarchy, a heterogeneous mishmash joyously made on a shoestring, like films from the dawn of the industry. Moreover, it’s a fairy-tale swarming with echoes of recent events and contemporary political questions in Hungary and beyond.


  • 20.03.2022
    ODEON CINEMA - 18.00 часа