- 11.03.2022
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Konrad Wolf (20.10.1925-7.03.1982) was a German director, screenwriter and actor. He was the son of the German dramatist Friedrich Wolf. He left Germany with his family for the USSR and came back to Germany as a nineteen year old Lieutenant in the Russian Army in 1945. For a short time was a commander of the town Bernau near Berlin in spring 1945. I Was Nineteen is an autobiographical film about this time.
1955 Einmal ist keinmal
1956 Genesung
1957 Lissy (Lissy)
1959 Sterne (Stars)
1960 Leute mit Flügeln
1961 Professor Mamlock (Professor Mamlock)
1964 Der geteilte Himmel (The Divided Heaven)
1966 Der kleine Prinz (TV The Little Prince)
1968 Ich war neunzehn (I Was Ninteen)
1971 Goya – oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis (Goya or the Hard Way to Enlightenment)
1972 Sonnensucher (Sun Seekers)
1974 Der nackte Mann auf dem Sportplatz (The Naked Man in the Stadium)
1977 Mama, ich lebe (Mama, I'm Alive)
1980 Solo Sunny
1982 Busch singt – Sechs Filme über die erste Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts (TV documentary)